Monday, April 14, 2008

WORLD DOMINATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You Are Destined to Rule the World

You have the makings of a very evil dictator...

Which is both kind of cool and kind of scary!

Will you rule the world? Maybe. Maybe not.

But at least you know that you could.

As of course, me, da FN always get these results, which is an absolute certainty. Why am I speaking like some weird old sage with utmost eloquency (NOO, AGAIN!)
Things Ill do when I'm world dictator:
  • Irregular-ize the world!!!!!!!!!
  • Instead of people living in normal houses, they all live underground.
  • EVERYONE, even clueless blondie preps MUST wear black and red and look as gothic as possible. THAT MEANS NO PINK, NO BLUE, NO GREEN, AND DEFINATELY NO RAINBOW WITH FLUFFY BUNNIES.
  • live REALLY fancy like.
  • poor people get to have stuff for free
  • movie stars will be executed.
  • Bye Bye, Hollywood.
  • and all girly elements.
  • abolish the totally barf-worthy color called PINK!!!!!!


Anonymous said...


i luv the color blue! u r so mean, FN!
sometimes i wonder why u r my freind (joking!)


Kitty said...

OMG!! I TOOK THAT QUIZ AND I GOT THE SAME THING TO!!! Lol, I have it all planned out...

FN da World Dictator said...

Muhahhaahaha....Irregulars dominate the world!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What about if they wear blue or green with black? 'Cuz that looks gothic-like. But hot pink, because pastels are scary.